About Me

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I am Babar Raja a teacher and a coach by profession. I came to England as an immigrant about 25 years ago, since then I have lived in Birmingham with my family. I have been a resident of the Birmingham Hall Green Constituency for over 20 years. I am CEO of Westmid Academy, I am a leading provider of SIA (Security Industry Authority) training and coaching services in Birmingham. I am committed to helping my students achieve their career goals. I have also worked in the public services for over 7 years in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). As a part of my job, I helped people with Disability and financial difficulties. After completing my Masters from the Birmingham City University, I started my professional career in the Banking so I have over 5 years of experience working in the Banking sector, working for major Banks like HSBC, Lloyds and Islamic Bank of Britain.

My experience and passion for community and social welfare projects demonstrate a strong commitment to fostering social cohesion and supporting those in need. I have active participation in community and social welfare projects. I have a strong ability to engage with diverse communities, manage projects and volunteers, and demonstrate empathy and compassion showcases your dedication to making a positive impact in society. These skills are essential for any role that aims to improve community welfare and promote social harmony.

I am well aware of the issues faced by the local Hall Green and Moseley constituency. Since I moved here more than two decades ago, I have lived here with my family and witnessed the problems faced by a common man. My mission is to seek resolution of issues such as immigration, Health Care, unemployment, housing, Disability Rights and Community Safety and also raise my voice against oppression, whether it is in my constituency or another part of the world, such as Gaza Palestine and Kashmir etc. I need the support of the residents of Hall Green and Moseley constituency to help me become a true representative of our community. Vote for Babar.


Hello and Assalamu Alaikum everyone. My name is Babar Raja. I am from Hall Green constituency. My background, I went to Birmingham City University in 2006 and I am a community and political activist for over two decades in Birmingham and this time I’m participating in the MP election for the upcoming election on the 4th of July 2024. Why I’m contesting the election at this point of time, I think the mainstream political parties they have failed to deliver their agendas, they have failed to deliver the promise with their voters and I believe that they do not deserve the votes and that’s why I’m standing as an independent candidate. The major reason why I come into election and parliamentary politics, I believe that I have the commitment with the Palestine cause and I’ve been working for the Palestine cause for over 30 years since my teenage. I’m standing here because I believe that I’ll be standing against the oppression of Palestinian and Palestine and my demand is that Britain should stop spending taxpayer money on arming Israel and I demand that Britain should recognise Palestine as an independent sovereign state like other European countries. hallgreen2024 communityactivist politicalactivist birminghamcityuniversity mpelections 4thjuly2024 votebabarraja buildingabetterfuture representingthepeople #elections2024 #Electionsuk

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